About Us
The Fathers Image International Ministries started in June 2020 with its formation of its board of directors. Throughout the past few years we have made amazing progress in our journey to touch those in Nairobi, Kenya through our Pastor & Overseer Daniel Nzuki. Through our partnership with him and the church we have been able to rebuild the church structures, plant vegetable & tree orchard as well as providing irrigation system to water plants and trees during drought seasons. We are looking forward to continuing our journey together seeing projects completed as well as starting new projects. As we gather sponsors & partners throughout the next 12 to 24 months we are going to see remarkable changes in the landscape of the community projects we are working on to complete. Updates will be giving on a quarterly basis to let our partners know what has been accomplished. To God be the Glory for his provision. Blessings to everyone for standing with us.
Board Members
Daniel L. Ford
President and Founder of The Father's Image International Ministries
Daniel L. Ford is the President and Founder of The Father’s Image International Ministries is located in Texas & Minnesota. Throughout the past 35 years of ministry he has served in various capacities. From Sectional Director, Youth Pastor , Associate Pastor and Senior Pastor of churches in the Central Texas area. In December of 2018 the Holy Spirit placed a mantle of Evangelism and Missions. Currently providing assistance to our partner church in Nairobi, Kenya under the leadership of Pastor Daniel Nzuki.
God has given him instructions to build 12 community centers within the region that Pastor Daniel Nzuki serves. Together they will see the first community center build with church, orphanage, water well and Lighthouse Prayer Center with pray rooms and at the top will be a conference round table with 12 sitting places for corporate Prayer time. We are going to provide training to area Pastors by sending them out to other International Ministries presently serving in African communities. The plan and purpose of this assignment(s) is to connect men and women with proper tools through the leadership of Holy Spirit. We are looking forward to all that God will be doing through this ministry. To whom much is given much is required. Isaiah chapter 61 is the scripture that I have chosen to stand upon as we boldly go to the Nations.
Lynn Shaffer
Keith Stevens
Keith Stevens is a pastor, evangelist, and church planter. He has been in ministry since his graduation from Zion Bible Institute (now Northpoint) in 1977 and has an honorary master’s degree in divinity and a doctorate from Cambridge University.
He has been privileged to see the hand of God move throughout the year. Miracles are still happening today! We rejoice to see the lame walk, the deaf hear and God’s people set free!
He has been involved in church and has planted several churches here in America as well as overseas. To date, we have churches in India as well as Pakistan and work with pastors in Kenya. He is currently involved in founding another church in Central Texas as well as being involved in monthly leadership meetings for training and evangelization in Pakistan and India. He eagerly looks forward to the next great move of God and is convinced that Jesus is coming back soon!